Welcome to the simple, no frills, or bells & whistles version of nick64.me! I haven't really tested this on everything but try seeing what random shit this will run on for funsies. Shoot me an email at nick@nick64.me or something too, maybe!
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One Week Until 18

March 07, 2023

First post in a while, and exactly one week from now is my birthday, so that’s neat I guess. I would like to be a bit more excited about it, but honestly, I don’t really know right now. School has been a big thing that’s been bogging me down, with math and English taking up a lot of my mental energy. I’ve also been trying to work on personal projects too, but don’t want to stress myself out too much, so I’ve stopped, which has been frustrating me a lot recently, but it’s for the better, I think. I hope that soon, things will get better for me, because I’ve been so up and down, like a roller coaster of emotions.

As for what specifically I’ve been up to recently, well I updated this website a decent amount. A lot of that time was spent on working on a “reviews” page. And if you’re reading this, you might be wondering, “Well, where is it?” Yeah… I scrapped it because I realized that I will never be that dedicated to writing reviews, so they will stay in the Netlogs section. I did add an “About Me” page with my favorite movies and games and shows and stuff, so that’s pretty neat. I’m beginning to get burnt out on working on adding extra stuff to the site, I feel like as of now, this is comfy for the time being, so I’m just gonna dedicate whatever time I use to work on this site to making content for it.

I’ve also been planning to add USB-C to my PSP, as of yesterday. I ordered some USB-C breakout boards from Adafruit, and they should be coming soon hopefully. I’ve been on a bit of a nostalgia trip with handhelds, and I’m now mighty tempted to purchase a DSi and a PS Vita because I love the Vita so much and the DSi would be neat for Pokemon and stuff. Someday, maybe…

Back on the topic of Adafruit, I also ordered an RGB character LCD with USB serial, so I’m hyped to mess around with it. I didn’t buy it for a super particular reason, I just really wanted to mess with one and put my own stuff on it, so now I’ll be able to.

And that’s pretty much all that’s been going on with me, not much beyond that as of recent. I hope to make more posts about art stuff and also make a new post about my modding journey with my PSP. Have a good day :)